Last evening, Kuching Ministers Fellowship (KMF) organized a Malaysia Day of Prayer to celebrate the 51st year of formation of Malaysia at Good News Fellowship church, Kuching. KMF has been organizing fairly regular prayer meetings for the past three years or so. As our nation experienced tremendous changes, in particular those affecting religious freedom of non-Muslim in this country especially Christians, we witness the gathering of Christians to pray for this nation and its leaders.

The sanctuary of the church was full and there must be at least four hundred people there from various evangelical denominations. As a Pastor put it, the gathering of so many Christians from most evangelical denominations has been unprecedented. For the past 2 years we in Sarawak had witness this trend and this is a good sign. Christians are now coming together as One Body in Christ to defend our beliefs and the freedom of religion as enshrined in the Federal constitution.
Last evening prayer and worship was very fervent, and we really felt the presence of God in the church. Most importantly, we sensed that God has always been with us from the past, now and the future. Pastor Matthew shared that when the white Rajas ruled Sarawak, they brought Christian values to our Land. These have blessed Christians and non-Christians to this day. Sarawak started out with less than 10 percent Christians and now we have more than 40 percent Christians. Praise God for this numbers! We will continue to pray and share the Gospel to the rest of the people to bless them and to lead them to God's kingdom.
Malaysia is our country, and rightfully we as Christians are proud to be Malaysians. So proud that we even sang "Negaraku" ( means our country in Malay) last evening! God bless Malaysia! During the meeting the people prayed for our nation as well as the national leaders. God has plan for Malaysia and we have to pray and seek His face, and His ways for our nation. We also prayed for the national leaders to do the right things for the people, and this country.
It was indeed a prayerful evening that lasted from 7.30 pm to about 10.15 pm. Praise and thank God for all Christians in this state, and also those who came last evening to represent One Body in Christ Jesus. Let us not stop at the meeting, but in our homes let us continue to pray for our country. Hallelujah! Praise God!