The response was very encouraging as more than 200 people packed the worship sanctuary of the church. Many young people were in attendence too. The music worship as well as sunsequent prayers for various issues were very fervent with plenty of prayers in tongues.
There were three main prayers points:
1. Pray for repentance and revival - the sense is people are not repenting as they should as God desired us to repent always. If we said we have not sinned we are liars, and the truths are not in us. Only with genuine repentance, revival will come to this land. We pray revival will spread from East Malaysia to the rest of our country.
2. Pray for the Church - the Malaysian Church is under attack and we need to pray for all church leaders to persevere and pray more. All churches regardless of denominations should come together to pray and uphold our position in this country. God has purpose for us here. Despite the troubles He wanted us to be salt and light for Him. We must wake up from spiritual slumber!
3. Pray for national interests like the Allah cases, and missing flight MH370 - all the Allah cases that went to courts recently have been upheld by the courts, no decision has been made. We do not understand this situation, but we know God is soverign and He has His plans no matter the out come. We continue to pray for favourable out comes. He is our only hope.
The theme of this prayer gathering is in 2 Chronicles 7:14
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
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