Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday Service

Dr.Tommy Chung sermon was on Haggai.

The Consequences of Spiritual Neglect

1. God has not changed. God has not changed and His Word had not change. His Word will be fulfilled. The old testament is as relevant to us today as in the past.

2. Operation of Holy Spirit. The Book also teaches under the new covenant, the operation of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes, it manifested in Spiritual gifts. It helps discouraged people in Haggai’s time as well as our time. The Israelites gone back to Israel from Babylon and they felt defeated. They were not ready to rebuild the Temple. They started to build their own house instead of God’s temple. They wondered what were they going to build the temple with as they had nothing.
- The Word of God was addressed to the leadership of the local government as well as religious leader. Haggai 1:1. These represented “faith” and “work” working together.
- There was a suggestion of divine rebuke, God calling the Isrealites “these people..” verse 2 instead of my people.
- There was a lack of direction because they did not have the materials to rebuild the temple.
- The Israelites were playing delay tactics in wanting to delay the building of the temple.
- They were bargaining with God.

3. God made us think. God made people think about their priorities Haggai 1:4. They were building their own luxurious house first instead of God’s temple, therefore God’s questioned the Israelites. God told the Israelites that they were struggling in vain if they did not put him first, Haggai 1:6. The same applies to us Christians. Put God first and all will be given to you. The Israelites were instructed to repent and obey God, Haggai 1:8 – 10 and to build God’s house. When the Israelites obyed God, He brought revival and renewal, Haggai 1: 14.

4. God will not forget us. God told the Israelites that He will
remember them. God will not leave nor forsake us.

Dr. Chung ended with a Jewish saying, “You will be chasing a living if
you are not chasing God”.

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