Pastor Peter Truong is from Hope Church, Brisbane. He has been here to Kuching to minister to several churches in the past years. His specialty is in the healing ministry but as he discerned the Spirit he will also prophesy. On Sunday was his first visit to our church. Prior to this he has already known a brother who has lent his private resort in Lundu for his ministry here.
Pastor Peter is a Vietnamese of Chinese descent and he is Teochew.
His message on Sunday was short as he wanted to spend more time ministering to our congregation. His sharing entitled :
Faith For Miracles. There were three main points, a) Faith starts with believing in God's Words and promises, b) Faith requires actions c) Faith brings blessings and rewards.
After his sharing, all our members gathered at the front of the church to be ministered by him and our elders. The Holy Spirit moved amongst us and many of us were healed of our ailments. Some were slain by the Holy Spirit.
In the afternoon Pastor Peter gave our church a training session cum practical on the healing ministry. Before the practical he shared with us the main points of God's healing. he said there are three kinds of healing a) Spiritual b) emotional and c) physical. All these three types of healing will come into play as one proceed to heal someone. He also gave practical steps to take before praying for someone to be healed of his/her illness. The session was well attended by our members and Pastor Peter was pleasantly surprised.
One important point from his teaching is that any of us can heal through the power of our God. No one is special. Each of us have the healing power via the Holy Spirit.
Praise God and Thank Him for sending Pastor Peter to minister to us.
You can read his blog at