Thirty two of us from our church just returned from our pilgrimage to Israel the Holy Land. It was indeed an awesome experience to be literally walking on the land where Jesus walked more than 2000 years ago. At the same time feeling what He would have felt in the different climates at different times. This was certainly not an ordinary tour like when we visit foreign land. In fact our team prayed over the month before going there. We also read up study guides given to us by our pilgrimage leaders. The whole idea was to get as much as we can before embarking on the journey. We also felt that this pilgrimage was an appointment made by God for all of us. Each of us has a story to tell of how each came to join this pilgrimage. My own circumstance was indeed God's answered to my prayer. When I approached our leader that I wanted to go, she told me that since I was going alone I need to find a room mate otherwise the tour cost will be prohibitive. I thought to myself where am I to find this room mate, so I prayed and asked God that if it was His will for me to go He will find me a room mate. Sure enough the following day a sister from our church called saying another brother was interested to go and be my room mate! Praise God! That was how I joined this pilgrimage. I was already familiar with this brother and I was blessed to be his room mate. We prayed every morning while in the Holy Land, and on several occasions both of us were touched by the Holy Spirit, and tears flowed. Another occasion was when we sang at St.Anne Church in Jerusalem, all of us felt the presence of God and many broke down in tears. Personally I have not cried so many times in such a short period, it got to be the touch of God. My heart, and mind were prepared for this pilgrimage, and I believe God saw in me as well as the others. In fact, our Israeli tour guide reminded us that we were not there for a tour but a pilgrimage. That confirmed our objective of visiting the Holy Land for a special pilgrimage and not an ordinary tour. In many of the Biblical sites we prayed and meditated on the events of that location.
Praise and thank God for the privilege to visit and be blessed in the Holy Land. Also for the personal encounter with Jesus right where He walked, taught and crucified and resurrected.
"Oh God thank you indeed for this opportunity to walk where Jesus walked and to feel the presence of our Lord in the Holy Land".
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