Sunday, June 29, 2014

Allah case in Malaysia

Recently, the Malaysian Federal Courts ruled that the Catholic Church's magazine, "The Herald" cannot use the word "Allah" to refer to God.  This controvesy has been dragging on since 2007 when the courts ruled in favour of the Catholic Church allowing the word "Allah" to be used in their magazine to cather to the Malay speaking believers mainly in East Malaysia.  The recent federal courts decision is most unsettleing to the Christan community in Malaysia, because the decision has wide implications to all Chrustians in the country and not only the Catholic church.  Nevertheless, Chrustians especially in East Malaysia say they will continue to worship as usually using the word "Allah" to refer to the Christian God.

Many see that this controvesy is a result of the ruling coalition's indecision or a lack of political will to put this controvesy at rest.  This has created very much uneasiness in this country, and unless the politicians are sincerely in resolving this issue, things could get worst.

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