Brother David Eu of Faith Methodist Church shared with us the Alpha Marriage ccourse. Bro.David and his wife is the local coordinators of Alpha Marriage. Two couples from FBC shared about their experiences after attending the course recently. Our Church will be conducting it for our members sometime in July.
We also had Dr.David Lam, a China missionary sharing with us his work in China among the Hakka population. He shared that there are 80 million Hakkas ( a Chinese dialect group)in China. He has been serving there for 18 years, and he encouraged our members to consider serving in China. The harvest is plenty there, but workers are few.
Again we have the previlige to have Pastor Isaac Yim preaching to our congregation. He has visited us twice over the last few months and have encouraged us very much.
His sermon :
For Freedom We were Set FreePastor’s sharing of the above title was base on Galatian chapter 5.
Christ called us to be free and yet we are bound by many things. In freedom we serve our Lord with joy. We are not to give in to our carnal desires.
Unique freedom that Christ died to give believers•Freedom from set of rules – we should not be bound by rules that do not glorify God
•Freedom from a set of rituals – e.g the Jews were adamant that one should be circumcised to be “saved”
•Freedom from love of money – Christ taught us to come to God first and everything will fall into places. Money itself is not evil, but the love of money is.
•Freedom from prejudice and racism – Gal 3:28 we are all the same in Christ regardless of race, gender, slave or free.
•Freedom from condemnation, law of sin and death. Rom 8:1-2
•Freedom from the devil, fear of death and fear of a cruel God – people who do not know God, fear death. To them God is fearful and they have to please their gods. In Christianity, God is love. Rom 8:14-15
Christ has set us free. “And you shall know the truth, the truth shall make you free”. John 8:32
Purposes of God’s call to freedom of loving Him
1. Freedom to oppose the fresh. Gal 5:13b
2. Freedom to love and serve one another. Gal 5:13c
3. Freedom to fulfil God’s moral law. Gal 5:14
In this world, freedom means doing whatever pleases us, but in Christianity, freedom is what God created us to be. We are free in serving and loving others.
Note: above picture of Pastor Yim