Last evening, our Church introduced the first Alpha course to our guests and our members. More than a hundred people turned up. Praise God for making the first session a success! It was really the work of the Holy Spirit. All participants were put into groups. There were three groupings meant for the guests, but some guests also joined their friends in the respective Life Group team. I was one of the host, and in my group I had six guests, three non believers, and 4 believers. This was my first experience as a host, so I need to get use to leading a group. Certainly there are many areas of improvement needed. There were some interesting stories shared by our guests. A believer shared that her husband strictly forbids her to attend church. She came without the knowledge of her husband or that she was attending a church function. That was indeed a marvelous and encouraging testimony. She shared that she has been praying for her husband to come to Christ. Her relative who brought her and ourselves will also be praying for her and her family. Praise God for bringing such people in our midst! Another guest, a non believer shared that she is quite happy with her life now, but she is still searching for the truth. Her husband is a Buddhist and interestingly she said she has yet to be "converted" to be a Buddhist. ( usually the word "convert" is used by Christians or Muslim, have not heard its use by Buddhist). Again by grace of God, I pray that this guest's mind will be changed by our Lord Jesus, and that she will join His kingdom in due course.
Really it has been an exciting journey for all of us in FBC. Praise God for His love and faithfulness. I am looking forward to the next session! Hallelujah!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Alpha Course - Friday 30th July 2010
This coming Friday is an important milestone for our Church FBC. We are launching the Alpha course to all our members as well as our guests. This far about 20 guests have been invited and we pray more will turn up. There is another list of potential guests, about 60 people in this list. Like what we were taught at the Alpha training, prayer is very important. This evangelistic meeting is not our effort, but the Holy Spirit. This idea just strike me when attending the training, and Nicky Gumbel presented it clearly that it is the Holy Spirit working in the people we invited, it is not our effort that counts. I was kind of worried about the logistics and other matters relating to the hosting of our very first Alpha course. In fact, some of our leaders shared similar views. Now, I can be assured that I need not worry, just let our Lord take it over. Yes, we will still be doing all the necessary arrangements, like the venue, registering guests, foods, multi-media etc. In fact, we event have back ups DVD players plus pcs to ensure we can play the DVD featuring Nick Gumble introducing the audience to the Alpha course!
We can make all the preparation, but it is the Holy Spirit who will work in everyone attending the course.
"Dear Lord, we come to commit the Alpha course to you. Lord it is your work, and we are only the instruments. Lord let your Holy Spirit work in everyone who attend. Even now Lord, may you visit and touch the hearts of those whom we have invited and those whom we are thinking to invite. Lord God, thank you for this opportunity to share the Good News with our relatives and friends, Amen".
We can make all the preparation, but it is the Holy Spirit who will work in everyone attending the course.
"Dear Lord, we come to commit the Alpha course to you. Lord it is your work, and we are only the instruments. Lord let your Holy Spirit work in everyone who attend. Even now Lord, may you visit and touch the hearts of those whom we have invited and those whom we are thinking to invite. Lord God, thank you for this opportunity to share the Good News with our relatives and friends, Amen".
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Alpha Course - FBC Kuching
Our Church went through one and half day of refresher Alpha course on Friday night and Saturday. Many thanks to the Alpha Malaysia team led by Cynthia Wong. The other members were Guy, Siew Kee, Jack and Vicky. Kudip came for National camp Alpha.
After this round of training, I personally felt that it is much clearer what we are suppose to do. We had our role play too and that helped.
Today, Cynthia shared with the rest of the Church the meaning of Alpha and showed some video clips of testimonies of Churches in Peninsula that had conducted Alpha.
Dr. Tiong officially launched Alpha Course for FBC this morning. Starting Friday, our Church will conduct the first Alpha course for all our members as well as invited guests. All are welcome.
Video on You tube
After this round of training, I personally felt that it is much clearer what we are suppose to do. We had our role play too and that helped.
Today, Cynthia shared with the rest of the Church the meaning of Alpha and showed some video clips of testimonies of Churches in Peninsula that had conducted Alpha.
Dr. Tiong officially launched Alpha Course for FBC this morning. Starting Friday, our Church will conduct the first Alpha course for all our members as well as invited guests. All are welcome.
Video on You tube
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Alpha Course for FBC

Last evening the National Alpha team came from KL to take our Church through an introduction to Alpha course. It was mainly for those Church members who did not attend the Alpha Conference held here early this year. Thirty members from our Church attended the Alpha conference. Quite a number of our Church members attended last evening session.
Today, the Alpha team is going through with us the whole course so that our Church is ready to launch Alpha. In fact, this Sunday, our Church will be officially launching Alpha course. Initially, all our Church members will go through this course so that we have the experience to conduct this course later.
It is all about God's work and not our work. Alpha is just a tool to evangelize. Many are looking forward to using this tool for a great harvest.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Financial Planning

Some of you may be wondering why I have not update this blog for the past few days, well I was away on business. Somehow, it seem to be a long while especially when I did so many things over the last few days. I was in KL with a colleague to attend the Investor Expo 2010. It was an interesting expo with many well known speakers delivering talks in their area of expertise. Of course in such expo, all the participants were talking about money. As a Christian, I personally feel that I have to balance between pursuing financial goals vs. godly goals. As you are aware, Jesus taught a fair bit about money management. From here we can judge the importance of money. However,we have to be careful not to make "finance" as an idol. Granted it is important to us, but we need to be discerning.
Starting Young
From the many sessions of seminar I attended, I realized the importance of teaching our younger generations the techniques of managing their money using financial planning tools. It is imperative to start young because once our children got the habits of managing their wealth well, they will be able to achieve financial freedom in the long run.
Financial Planning for everyone
Financial planning is NOT only meant for the rich because no matter how rich or poor a person is, he has to plan his finances. Everyone need some kind of plan, not only the rich people.
Christian Financial Planning
Those who are interested to know more about Christian financial planning, you can read books by Larry Burkett, an authority in Christian finance.
Crown Financial, website:
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tycoon Sends Jet to Buy Durian

Many may find just staying alive in this difficult times a challenge. But not for some rich people, they fly from Macau to Singapore just to buy 88 durians! Yes, you read it correctly. A Kilogram of durian (King of fruits) cost RM38(about USD10).
For those who are not familiar with the king of fruit durian you can see a picture of this spiky fruit usually found in the tropics like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, even southern China, island of Hainan.
Article below from "The Star",(Malaysian national newspaper).
Tycoon sends jet to S’pore for durian purchase
THE Musang King durian from Malaysia has proven to be so delicious that Stanley Ho, who is Macau’s Gambling King, sent his personal jet to pick up 88 durians from Singapore.
China Press reported that Ho bought about RM4,800 worth of the durian from the 818 Durian Stall in the island republic.
Ho then shared the king of fruits with his friend Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing by giving him 10 durians.
The daily reported that Ho’s worker wanted to buy 98 durians but only managed to get 88 as supply was low due to adverse weather.
In Singapore, the Musang King durian costs about RM38 per kilo, the daily reported.
Note: Top picture is Stanley Ho. Bottom is Li Ka Shing
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
More Than Conqueror
On Sunday, 11th July, 2010 Pastor Richard Sim shared on the above subject with our congregation.
God is never beatened, nothing is out of God’s control.
Three truths :
1. We do not understand completely what God is doing.
2. God takes the worst and make them into better things. All hurts will be healed in the end.
3. God does not work for our happiness but our good.
The Cross
Although a symbol of death, it is acceptable as a symbol of Christianity. The message of the Cross is foolishness to the world 1 Cor 1:18-22, 24, however, it is central to Christians. Christ died for us on the cross Gal 3:13. Jesus dying on the cross became a curse in our place Gal 6:14. Even before the cross as an execution method was invented, God knew, Deu 21:23
The Lord’s Supper – remembrance of Christ
Why it is important? God had already planned for Jesus to go to the cross to die for us and be “lifted up”, John 3:14.
Through Jesus’ obedience, God restored what was lost through Adam. Jesus cried “It is finished”. This statement was explained by Andrew Carter that people mistook it for “I am finished”, however, this was not the case. He explained that Jesus has accomplished His work on earth.
The Centrality of the Cross
After the curtain of the temple was thorn apart, there was no more division, salvation and eternal life is available to us free. This is because of grace.
Man needs to do
Accept, Believe, Confess
Exchange Took Place on the Cross
Jesus rejected, we are accepted.
He took our punishment, we are freed.
He took our pain and sickness, we have health
He took our troubles, we are healed.
He faced sorrow, we have joy.
He was anxious, we were given hope and peace
He faced death, we live.
Our Part
We are to take up the cross daily Luke 9:23, Mark 8:34. Gal 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” We are to boast in the cross Gal 6:14. Do not love the world 1John 2:15. Bear fruits for Christ – fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22.
Pastor Sim related that about two months ago he was at a coffee shop in Maur with his wife and the waitress refered to him as “Apek”. He felt offended being called that way. He said this was the ego and pride in him. Human are like that, so we have to be careful.
The Challenge
Pastor Sim challenged our congregation. He asked, “Have we crucified ourselves daily?” “How important to us are the views and things of the world?” These are basic questions but profound when we think and reflect on them. The question is whether we are doing what had been taught.
God is never beatened, nothing is out of God’s control.
Three truths :
1. We do not understand completely what God is doing.
2. God takes the worst and make them into better things. All hurts will be healed in the end.
3. God does not work for our happiness but our good.
The Cross
Although a symbol of death, it is acceptable as a symbol of Christianity. The message of the Cross is foolishness to the world 1 Cor 1:18-22, 24, however, it is central to Christians. Christ died for us on the cross Gal 3:13. Jesus dying on the cross became a curse in our place Gal 6:14. Even before the cross as an execution method was invented, God knew, Deu 21:23
The Lord’s Supper – remembrance of Christ
Why it is important? God had already planned for Jesus to go to the cross to die for us and be “lifted up”, John 3:14.
Through Jesus’ obedience, God restored what was lost through Adam. Jesus cried “It is finished”. This statement was explained by Andrew Carter that people mistook it for “I am finished”, however, this was not the case. He explained that Jesus has accomplished His work on earth.
The Centrality of the Cross
After the curtain of the temple was thorn apart, there was no more division, salvation and eternal life is available to us free. This is because of grace.
Man needs to do
Accept, Believe, Confess
Exchange Took Place on the Cross
Jesus rejected, we are accepted.
He took our punishment, we are freed.
He took our pain and sickness, we have health
He took our troubles, we are healed.
He faced sorrow, we have joy.
He was anxious, we were given hope and peace
He faced death, we live.
Our Part
We are to take up the cross daily Luke 9:23, Mark 8:34. Gal 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” We are to boast in the cross Gal 6:14. Do not love the world 1John 2:15. Bear fruits for Christ – fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22.
Pastor Sim related that about two months ago he was at a coffee shop in Maur with his wife and the waitress refered to him as “Apek”. He felt offended being called that way. He said this was the ego and pride in him. Human are like that, so we have to be careful.
The Challenge
Pastor Sim challenged our congregation. He asked, “Have we crucified ourselves daily?” “How important to us are the views and things of the world?” These are basic questions but profound when we think and reflect on them. The question is whether we are doing what had been taught.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
John and Andrew Carter Visit to Kuching
Here is a slide of pictures taken during one of the session.
On the last evening of the exposition, John Carter expressed his gratitude to our Bros. and Sis for their generosity for hosting them over the last two weeks. We would like to thank Bro. Howe Tung and Sis Chuie Lian for their generosity in hosting the Carters. John said he enjoyed the foods here, but he had ate too much.
As a Church we are thankful to John and Andrew for their sharing of the Word. They are such an encouragement to us. They are truly men of God. Hallelujah Praise God!
On the last evening of the exposition, John Carter expressed his gratitude to our Bros. and Sis for their generosity for hosting them over the last two weeks. We would like to thank Bro. Howe Tung and Sis Chuie Lian for their generosity in hosting the Carters. John said he enjoyed the foods here, but he had ate too much.
As a Church we are thankful to John and Andrew for their sharing of the Word. They are such an encouragement to us. They are truly men of God. Hallelujah Praise God!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Expository Teaching on Romans
From 5th to 8th July (7.30pm to 10pm) our church had the honour of the Carters teaching us on Romans chapter 1 to 8. Pastor John and Pastor Andrew Carter (father and son team) came all the way from the U.K to share with us. Indeed, we are very appreciative of their love and commitment to our Lord. They have also the heart to impart their knowledge on the Book to us. Once again "Thank you" to Pastor John and Pastor Andrew Carter.
The four nights of teaching were interesting because they went into the depts of the chapters explaining in details almost verse by verse what they all mean. The Book of Roman is not easy to understand, at least to me, therefore, their exposition had helped me a great deal. Now I can go futher to reserch and learn what Paul is really tellig us Christians. The Carters had also given us a details line by line explanation of what they were coverng.
RC Sproul, the US Pastor and Theologian had expounded in his writing on Romans, and here is also a short video of his comments on the Book of Romans.
Slides on Teaching of Romans Chapter 1 to 8
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
The four nights of teaching were interesting because they went into the depts of the chapters explaining in details almost verse by verse what they all mean. The Book of Roman is not easy to understand, at least to me, therefore, their exposition had helped me a great deal. Now I can go futher to reserch and learn what Paul is really tellig us Christians. The Carters had also given us a details line by line explanation of what they were coverng.
RC Sproul, the US Pastor and Theologian had expounded in his writing on Romans, and here is also a short video of his comments on the Book of Romans.
Slides on Teaching of Romans Chapter 1 to 8
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
View more presentations from alwimslideshare.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Do You Know Where You Are Going ?

Here is a very encouraging story told by Bill Graham that I received from my Brother in Christ S.K Tan. Please read below:
Billy Graham is now 91 years old with Parkinson's disease.
In January 2000, leaders in Charlotte , North Carolina , invited their favorite son, Billy Graham, to a luncheon in
his honor.
Billy initially hesitated to accept the invitation because he struggles with Parkinson's disease. But the Charlotte
leaders said, 'We don't expect a major address. Just come and let us honor you.' So he agreed..
After wonderful things were said about him, Dr. Graham stepped to the rostrum, looked at the crowd, and said,
'I'm reminded today of Albert Einstein, the great physicist who this month has been honored by Time magazine as the Man of the Century. Einstein was once traveling from Princeton on a train when the conductor came down the aisle, punching the tickets of every passenger. When he came to Einstein, Einstein reached in his vest pocket. He couldn't find his ticket, so he reached in his trouser pockets. It wasn't there, so he looked in his briefcase but couldn't find it. Then he looked in the seat beside him. He still couldn't find it.
The conductor said, 'Dr. Einstein, I know who you are. We all know who you are. I'm sure you bought a ticket.
Don't worry about it.'
Einstein nodded appreciatively. The conductor continued down the aisle punching tickets. As he was ready to
move to the next car, he turned around and saw the great physicist down on his hands and knees looking under his seat for his ticket.
The conductor rushed back and said, 'Dr. Einstein, Dr. Einstein, don't worry, I know who you are No problem.
You don't need a ticket. I'm sure you bought one.'
Einstein looked at him and said, 'Young man, I too, know who I am. What I don't know is where I'm going.''
Having said that Billy Graham continued, 'See the suit I'm wearing?
It's a brand new suit. My children, and my grandchildren are telling me I've gotten a little slovenly in my old age. I used to be a bit more fastidious.
So I went out and bought a new suit for this luncheon and one more occasion.
You know what that occasion is? This is the suit in which I'll be buried. But when you hear I'm dead, I don't want you to immediately remember the suit I'm wearing. I want you to remember this: I not only know who I am ... I also know where I'm going.'
"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sunday Service - 4th July

Our Church has the previlege of hosting John and Andrew Carter from the U.K. John Carter(Senior) is no stranger to many Malaysians as he has been sharing the gospel with many Malaysian Churches over the past three decades. A few months ago Andrew hosted a conference at the Association of Churches Building, followed by sermon at our Church.
Father and son theme will be taking us through Romans Chapter 1 to 8 over four nights starting 5th July to 8th July starting 7.30pm to 10pm each night. All are welcome!
John Carter - is a leading elder in Holborn Church,Leeds, UK with a teaching ministry in an independent evangelical church. He is a retired engineer and worked as a "tentmaker" financial consultant for 14 years, Since 1977, he has ministered in many churches in Malaysia.
Andrew Carter - Eldest son of John, is pastor of Therfield Chapel a reformed evangelical church near Cambridge, UK. He trained at King College London earning an MA in Systemic Theology.
On Sunday, Andrew gave a sermon to our Church on John 19:16 , he said that many gospel writers were not balance in narrating the life of Jesus, most of them narrated a large portion on His death and resurrection. The Cross is crucial to Christianity. When Jesus said "It is finished", many interpreted it as if He said "I am finished", but that was not the case. "It is finished" meant He has finished His work, or He has completed His work here.
You can find out more about Therfield Chapel at
Note: above picture of Therfield Chapel
Andrew Carter and his family
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How Beautiful - Twila Paris
This is a beautiful song about the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. Just take a moment to listen, pray and comtemplate the awesomeness of our God who became man to die for us.
"Oh Lord indeed You are beautiful and You love us so much that You sent Your only Son to die for us. Thank you Lord. Amen"
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Christ is the Only Way - R C Sproul
Several months ago I posted an entry questioning whether Jesus is the only way to salvation. Again basically there are three stands, 1)Pluralism - believing there are many paths to salvation 2)Inclusivism - believing that by dong good God will recognise you and bring salvation 3) Exclusivism - believing that Jesus is the only way to salvation.
Watch the video below where Theologian R.C Sproul gives a very convincing explanation of how only through Jesus one can be saved.
John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. Apostle Paul confirmed saying “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved”. ( Act 4:12)
Watch the video below where Theologian R.C Sproul gives a very convincing explanation of how only through Jesus one can be saved.
John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. Apostle Paul confirmed saying “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved”. ( Act 4:12)
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