Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Dr.Richard Teo Called to The Lord at 40 Yrs.
If you are from Asia, you would have read about the story of Dr.Richard Teo a cosmetic multi millionaire surgeon who contracted lung cancer about a year ago and just passed away on 18th Oct 2012.
His story is inspirational and really wake many of us up especially how we place our priorities in life. Our lives is not just about pursuing wealth, but more importantly following and living out the commands of God. Jesus said if you gain the whole world what is that to you? In Dr.Teo's case and many others you may have plenty of wealth, but no health,worse still dead at 40 years! Some one said we live ironic lives, we pursue wealth when young, but when we get old we use all our wealth to retain our health. The point is we need a balance of wealth and health. I believe it is far more important to trust in God in all we do. He said He will provide if you trust in Him.
The following verses are instructive:
1 Timothy 6:17-19 “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”
1 Timothy 6:6 “But godliness with contentment is great gain.”
Read :
Monday, October 29, 2012
Parenting Course Train the Facilitators
On 26th Oct 2012, our Church organized a Parenting Train the Facilitators course. The main organizers were Bro.Howe Tung and Sis.Chuei Lian assisted by a team of facilitators from our Church. The lead trainers were Bro. CT Lau and his wife Sis.Dr.Gene from Alpha Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The main objective was to train more facilitators from other churches so that they can conduct The Parenting Course (TPC) in their church. This course is not only meant for Christians but non Christians as well because all of us face issues with our children. TPC course proper has two parts, one for parents of children 0-10 years and another from 10-18 years old.
This train the facilitators session was very well attended by various participants from the various denominations like Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Pentecostal, and also independant churches. All together there were 18 churches attending. The biggest number of participants came from Catholic church. It was indeed the work of God that so many denominations came together as One body in Christ to be trained as facilitators of The Parenting Course. This course is base on Christians principles and when non Christians attend we are able to impart Christians principles to them and we pray for them to join God's kingdom in due course.
A total of 84 participants attended comprised of members from 18 churches in Kuching.
All glory to God for the success of this course.
This train the facilitators session was very well attended by various participants from the various denominations like Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Pentecostal, and also independant churches. All together there were 18 churches attending. The biggest number of participants came from Catholic church. It was indeed the work of God that so many denominations came together as One body in Christ to be trained as facilitators of The Parenting Course. This course is base on Christians principles and when non Christians attend we are able to impart Christians principles to them and we pray for them to join God's kingdom in due course.
A total of 84 participants attended comprised of members from 18 churches in Kuching.
All glory to God for the success of this course.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tommy Emmanuel Live in KL

Before, posting this I was wondering whether Tommy is a Christian. A little internet search I found that he has been a Christian since he was young and he has been walking closely with God since. He has also composed a piece of Godly music like "Tears for Jerusalem". This wa what he said about his Christian life,
" Well, I can remember going to Sunday school when I was a kid, but it wasn't until I actually made a commitment, got baptized and accepted Christ that it - then I had a revelation that I'm not running this ship. It's my job to get out and play the guitar and let God do the rest. Stay out of his way. Just play the guitar and do what you're meant to do. That's my job."
Praise God for this talented guitarist! May he uses his music to bless many people all around the world.
During the show he played an original song inspired by the Red Indian flute he heard while conducting a concert in their honor. Watch this video:
Saturday, October 13, 2012
40-Day Prayer and Fast

Interestingly as Malaysia has completed its 40-day prayer and fast, the American started slightly later their own 40-day pray and fast for their country prior to the general election on 6th Nov 2012. Many nations are in turmoils, not just USA or Malaysia. We are all living in turbulent times, and God is "shaking heavens and earth". In this trying times for many of us, we face numerous challenges in our nations be that be economic, social, and most importantly spiritual. God has told us in the Bible that we are not fighting against fresh and blood, but against powers and principalities. For Christians fighting the spiritual battle is more important because all physical things will come to an end on earth, and because we are looking at eternity and not the temporal.
In Malaysia prayers are intensifying following the NECF 40-day of prayers and fasting. During this period we see thousands of Christians all over the country participating in prayers and fasting we have not seen before. It is God's doing because human cannot touch the hearts of so many to turn to Him in prayers. Many prophetic evangelists from US and Africa are coming to Malaysia to pray for us and encourage Christians here to hold fast in prayers. These people who do not have anything to do with Malaysia are coming to pray for us, and we must really take heed of what they prophesied before it is too late. Let our nation continue to pray for God's intervention in this beloved country. May the coming general election be a turning for our country - and turn towards good for this nation and its people.
In the US Christians are similarly praying for their nation which is going through tremendous challenges in all fronts. They too look to God for divine intervention for the good of their nation.
Let all brothers and sisters in Christ pray and uphold each others' nations. To God be the Glory!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Senior Alpha Training

On the evening of 4th Oct, 2012 Bro. William Yap from St.Andrews, Brunei picked us up and we traveled by road to Brunei. The journey took about two and half hours as his driving was slow and steady. On 5th Oct in the evening we started the course in house. We were glad to receive the 22 participants. Like the Miri folks they were quite the first evening but by the second day many got to know each others and ourselves and they opened up. All of us like the jokes of Br. Jack so that was very helpful. The training also went very well and we can see that all the participants enjoyed themselves participating in the ice breakers as well as the small group simulations. Praise God again for helping all of us with the course. Most importantlyall of them felt the course was very useful and timely. Bro. William Yap have two very able ladies Sis. Emily and Sis. Lily to help organize the whole course, from bringing us around to the food and participants training materials. Praise God! Thank God for these two "angels".
According to Bro.Jack and Sis. Vicky the participants from these two trainings were the most responsive. We are very encouraged also to see the participants absorbing the training and enjoying themselves. The joy of our Lord is in them! Hallelujah!
Senior Alpha,
Senior Alpha Training
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Installation of Pastor Malcolm

To celebrate this occasion FBC chior led by our German member Wolfgang performed several hymns. Their performance was first class according to many attendees. In fact Wolfgang is a trained musician who has done a good job in training our people. Praise and thank God for him!
Our youth, led by Sister Paik Imm and Brother Chung Chek, gave an interesting and original performance to welcome Pastor Malcolm.
The children presented Pastor Malcolm with a poster of their prayers decorated and appropriately framed. They have heed the teaching and advice of Pastor Malcolm on occasions when he spoke to them. Praise God for our young people and children!
Pastor Bob Evans installed Pastor Malcolm with his wife Sister Irene standing alongside him. Pastor Bob prayed for them together with the elders as well as leaders of our Church. Pastor Malcolm said his coming on board as Pastor was not a hasty decision but he has prayed about this decision over a number of years. It was God calling him to serve. The leadership has also prayed and they also discerned that Pastor Malcolm is the right person to lead us as pastor.
Overall, it was a memorable as well as touching occasion for all of us in the big family of FBC. We continue to center ourselves on God in all we do. We pray that we will not look left or right, but stay focus on Jesus our Savior. All Glory to Him!
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