Our Church camp started on 28th May (Fri, it began with baptising some children (second round on Saturday), followed by Worship service in the evening. We had the previlege of having Pastor Timothy Chow, his wife Jocye Chow to minister to us. Sister Adeline and her daughter from King's kids took on the children worship.
Pastor Timothy Chow and Sister Joyce Chow are from The Anglican Church, Westside, Singapore. He pioneered Calvary Church in Kuching. Welcome back Pastor!
In the evening, we had games organised by Brother Leslie, assisted by other brothers and sisters. All actvities were well organised and all of us participated in the games. One of the highlight of the game was the dressing up of "warriors" with magazines and newspapers (watch slides ). All had a tremendous good time laughing at the various performances.
There was a photo contest to act out the central theme of the Camp "Strengthen, ,one voice,arise, reach out".
The "warrior" performances were so hilarious and crazy that Pastor Timothy Chow commented that he has never seen such a bunch of "crazy" Christians! Anywhere, we could see that he and Joyce enjoyed themselves tremendously. We are very appreciative of their coming to share with us.
The subjects of his teaching was "It is the Lord" on Friday eveing. It was about the disciples who caught no fish at the lake and Jesus instructed where to cast their nets, there after they caught alot of fish. They did not recognise the Lord at first, just like us who do not see at times eventhough the solutions are in front of us. Amazingly the same message was preached by Pastor Cheli in Church last week with the same title! This is indeed a confirmation of God's direction! Praise God!
The second message was on Sunday morning, it was entitled, "Can God use me?". Pastor Tim read from Matthew Ch 1:1-17, the genealogy of Jesus. He advised that this narration has value because it showed us that there were all sort of people in Jesus's lineage, some were righteous and others were not. Therefore, we all can be of use by God no matter who and what we are. Like our them just rise up!
Personally I am very encouraged by his teachings as well as the impact of the camp. I believe many of members experienced encouragement, bonding and unity amongst ourselves, also the presence of our Lord.
Praise God for Pastor Timothy and Sister Joyce as well as the success of the camp! It was His doing and not anyone else.
Pastor Timothy and Sister Jocye were an encouragement to us because of their easy going nature. Their love for each other is something many can emulate too.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Holiness - Thomas Merton

As children of God, we are called to holiness. "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy". Psalm 99:9
Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentuchy wrote the following:
"All of us who have been baptised in Christ and have "put on Christ" as a new identity are bound to be holy as he is holy. We are bound to live worthy lives, and our actions should bear witness to our union with him. He should manifest his presence in us and through us. We are supposed to be the light of the world. We are suppose to be a light to ourselves and to others. That may well be what accounts for the fact that the world is in darkness! What then is meant by the light of Christ in our lives? What is "Holiness"? What is divine sonship? Are we serioulsy suppose to be saints? Can a man desire such a thing without making a complete fool of himself in the eyes of everyone else? It is not presumptious? Is such a thing even possible at all? To tell the truth, many laypeople and even a good many religious do not believe, in practice, that sanctity is possible for them. Is this just plain common sense? Is it perhaps humility? Or is it defection,defeatism and despair?
If we are called by God to holiness of life and if holiness is beyond our natural power to achieve (which it certainly is) then it follows that God himself must give us the light, the strength and the courage to fulfill the task he requires of us. He will certainly give us the grace we need."
His writing is profound and meaningful and I am sure many of us can learn from him.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Gambled Away RM8 million in 3 years.

The news of a teenager gambling away Ringgit Malaysia 8 million (about USD2.65 million) in 3 years was reported in The Star, a Malaysian national newspaper today. It was a shocker, imagine the amount of money wasted. Apparently this teenager started gambling at 16 years and by the time he reched 19 years he had blew away RM8 million! It was reported that his father was a compulsive gambler and he followed his footstep. Like father like son people say.
The Bible does not comdemn gambling but in 1 Timothy 6:10 says “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
( Now, his millionaire father is grieving and forbade him to gamble ).
Matthew 6:24 reads “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”
( People who served mammon falls into the trap ).
Gambling may not necessarily be bad, but there are too many cases all over the world of the evil of gambling. Gambling includes buying all types of lotteries. In any case, the Bible warns in Proverbs 13:11 “Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.”
There is a Malay saying "Sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit" literally means "a little by little you can build a mountain".
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday Service
Ms Donda Panggabean, Administrator of Bethesda Hospital shared about the mission work of Medgo. The hospital is located at Serukam, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. This mission hospital was started by Dr.Wendell Geary in 1964. Dr.Geary hailed from Colorado, USA. Now his son is also serving as a doctor at the hospital.
The hospital has 100 beds, 8 specialists, 10 general practisioners, operating room, eye clinic, and a pharmacy.
From 2003 to 2009 2,087 patients have accepted Christ.
Dr.Geary is no stranger to FBC as our Brother Howe Tung,Sister Chuei Lian, Brother Chai Say and several others are also their friends.
To read more about this hospital please check out http://serukam.blogspot.com a blog by Dr.Tang Sie Hing when he and his colleague went on a mission to Bethesda Hospital.
Sermon by Pastor Cheli Nadarajah entitled "It is the Lord!". His sermon was on John Chapter 21, the story about Jesus meeting his disciples at the sea of Tiberias. The lesson was when we faced turmoil or difficulties we do not see what is in front of us just like the disciples who did not see that Jesus was with them by the shore.
His teaching was also about Jesus's love for us especially the lost. He said God's heart is for the lost.
The hospital has 100 beds, 8 specialists, 10 general practisioners, operating room, eye clinic, and a pharmacy.
From 2003 to 2009 2,087 patients have accepted Christ.
Dr.Geary is no stranger to FBC as our Brother Howe Tung,Sister Chuei Lian, Brother Chai Say and several others are also their friends.
To read more about this hospital please check out http://serukam.blogspot.com a blog by Dr.Tang Sie Hing when he and his colleague went on a mission to Bethesda Hospital.
Sermon by Pastor Cheli Nadarajah entitled "It is the Lord!". His sermon was on John Chapter 21, the story about Jesus meeting his disciples at the sea of Tiberias. The lesson was when we faced turmoil or difficulties we do not see what is in front of us just like the disciples who did not see that Jesus was with them by the shore.
His teaching was also about Jesus's love for us especially the lost. He said God's heart is for the lost.
Friday, May 21, 2010
1 Timothy 4:7 (New International Version)
7Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.
It is a struggle to be godly because most of us have alot of distractions in our lives. These distractions seem to be pulling us away, and keeping us from being godly. (Certainly this is true for me). As I understand godliness, one has to follow the commands of God,and live these realities daily. Like the example in the video, sport is an obvious distraction for many, in the US it is football, in Malaysia many people are also fans of football(British not American style). This is just a small part of the total distractions we faced! Yet, God calls all to be godly. Certainly it is about our priorities, if we put God first,than we will do godly things. Otherwise, like in the video we ignore God, may not necessary be opposing God.
That's my two-cents worth on godliness. Watch the authour speak on the video.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Internet Can Make You Happier?

I am sure you have read about the negative sides of the internet ranging from creating anxieties to people using it to commit crimes. Surprise, surprise on May 12th British researchers from Chartered Institute of IT ( Known as BCS ) found that people using the internet like bloging, social networking etc are happier. Appeared that people of lower income, from third-world, and women benefitted more than others. Hmmm...that's interesting,no wonder my other half enjoys her games on internet beside searching for information relating to health and communicating with friends.
However, no matter how good the internet is for our well being, we as Christians have to be cautious and discerning, in case we make the internet an idol.
Psalm 106:36 says "They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them."
Well, this verse is very clear. Having said that I have to watch out myself.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Grounded In God's Words
On Sunday, Brother Malcolm shared on the above subject.
Literally God’s Words are our lives. God has blue prints for us and His Words provide the instructions to these blue prints. That is why we need to know God’s Words, they are foundation for all Christians.
There are two portions of these Words, the logos and rhema. Logos refers to the total inspired Words of God and rhema refers to specific Words of God relating to individual.
Logos & Rhema – 1 Peter 1:23 -25, Matthew 8:8, 16, John 5:24, Ephesians 6:17
New birth – Deuteronomy 30:19-20, 32:44-47, 1Peter 1:23, Jas 1:18
Food – Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4, 1 Peter 2:2-3, Hebrew 5:12-14
Power – Psalm 119:9-11, 105, Jeremiah 23:29, Romans 1:16, Proverbs 4:12-13, I Thessalonians 2:13
How do we response to God’s Words ?
Devotion – Josiah 1:8, Psalm 119:97, Proverbs 2:1-6, Act 2:42, 17:11
Obedience – Deuteronomy 4:1-10, John 14:23, Numbers 33:2
Testing – Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Psalm 71:14-18, 78:1-7, Ezra 7:10, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 20:32, 2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 5:12
Literally God’s Words are our lives. God has blue prints for us and His Words provide the instructions to these blue prints. That is why we need to know God’s Words, they are foundation for all Christians.
There are two portions of these Words, the logos and rhema. Logos refers to the total inspired Words of God and rhema refers to specific Words of God relating to individual.
Logos & Rhema – 1 Peter 1:23 -25, Matthew 8:8, 16, John 5:24, Ephesians 6:17
New birth – Deuteronomy 30:19-20, 32:44-47, 1Peter 1:23, Jas 1:18
Food – Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4, 1 Peter 2:2-3, Hebrew 5:12-14
Power – Psalm 119:9-11, 105, Jeremiah 23:29, Romans 1:16, Proverbs 4:12-13, I Thessalonians 2:13
How do we response to God’s Words ?
Devotion – Josiah 1:8, Psalm 119:97, Proverbs 2:1-6, Act 2:42, 17:11
Obedience – Deuteronomy 4:1-10, John 14:23, Numbers 33:2
Testing – Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Psalm 71:14-18, 78:1-7, Ezra 7:10, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 20:32, 2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 5:12
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yesterday evening in our Life Group (LG) we discussed about the subject of "servanthood", especially what it means to a Christian. Jesus came and He showed us that eventhough He is God, He served others without reservations. If Jesus came as a human to serve us and died for our sins, more so we should be serving others by His examples.
We also learnt that humility and servanthood are connected. If one is not humble than it may not be possible for him to serve others like Jesus did.
God gave us gifts, and we should use these gifts to serve others. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen". 1 Peter 4:10-11
We are to serve others and bring praises to God, and not to glorify ourselves.
Put words into actions and serve!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Lord's Clinic
After three days of Health & Wellness Expo last weekend, its back to routine again. But not as busy as before the Expo. We were showcasing health products and health seminars over the three days,trying to promote healthy lifestyles to people here in Kuching. I have a funny story here. On Sunday noon time I was having lunch at Mcdonald where I met a neighbour and her children buying their meals. When my neighbour saw me, she commented "You mean you are here having lunch?" (Here I am promoting healthy lifestyle having junk food!). She appeared shock, and I embarraced. Not only I have to repent over such "sin", I need to check-in to The Lord's Clinic.
Watch this powerpoints slides:
Watch this powerpoints slides:
Lord's Clinic
View more presentations from alwimslideshare.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sarawak Health and Wellness Expo - 3 rd Day
Praise the Lord for a resounding success of the Sarawak Health and Wellness Expo 2010! All glory to our God!
Sunday 9th May was the last day of the Expo. More visitors turnout on Sunday. Parkway Health's seminar received overwhelming response to the delight of its Vice President Mr.Samuel Tan. Their doctors were here for several sessions during the Expo.
General Hospital Blood donation unity was there, although only 16 donars were done, the head of the unit was satisfied. Infact 27 potential donars were rejected for various reasons.
Bone scaning arranged by Parkway Health received overwhelming rseponses from the public with long lines of people queing up to be scanned.
Pantai Hospital lung capacity test was also very well received, they did a 345 tests in 2 days! Their staffs worked non stop.
Overall, a very encouraging and successful Expo.
A big thank you to all exhibitors, Health department, contributors, product sponsors and the general public.
Sunday 9th May was the last day of the Expo. More visitors turnout on Sunday. Parkway Health's seminar received overwhelming response to the delight of its Vice President Mr.Samuel Tan. Their doctors were here for several sessions during the Expo.
General Hospital Blood donation unity was there, although only 16 donars were done, the head of the unit was satisfied. Infact 27 potential donars were rejected for various reasons.
Bone scaning arranged by Parkway Health received overwhelming rseponses from the public with long lines of people queing up to be scanned.
Pantai Hospital lung capacity test was also very well received, they did a 345 tests in 2 days! Their staffs worked non stop.
Overall, a very encouraging and successful Expo.
A big thank you to all exhibitors, Health department, contributors, product sponsors and the general public.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Health Expo - 2nd Day
May 8th, the second day of the Health Expo. The highlight was the children Art competition. More than a hundred children paticipated in the competition. Age ranging from 5 years old to 12 years old. The crowd was large in the morning as the competion started at 10.30am. Praise God! Everything was under control and the competition went smoothly. Most of the prizes were donated by Nestle.
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From 2010-05-08Health Expo 2nd day |
Many of the children were talented and they created beautiful and colourful pictures.
Opening Ceremony-Sarawak Health and Wealthness Expo
Yesterday, 7th May our Health Expo was declared opened by Yang Bernar Datuk Peter Nansiang, Deputy Director of Environment. Deputy Director of Health was present too. It was well attended by exhibitors, invited guests and members of the press. It was follwed by a short harmonica performance by World Harmonica Champion, Mr.Chong Ah Kow. The performance was interesting.
The Deputy Minister visited the exhibitors' booths and he was insterested in many of the products and services presented there. There after guests and exhibitors were invited to a tea reception serving healthy organic snacks.
Praise God for a memorable opening ceremony!
Amazing Three Year Old Drummer
This young boy played the drum so well. Watch his facial expressions. He had a good time.
Praise God for His creation!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Sarawak Health and Wellness Expo 2010

A friend and I are the organisers of this very first Sarawak Health & Wellness Expo 2010. Today is the opening ceremony. Yesterday was a busy day as the exhibitors were moving in untill late at night. We had a dinner reception for the exhibtors too.
Many branded names in health care are here like Parkway Health of Singapore, our Platinum sponsor, Ohhira Nutrition our Silver sponsor, Pantai Hospital, Timberland Medical,Eu Yan San,Merck, Optimax Eye specialist, Gnosis Hearing,and many others.
There are many free health screenings and health seminars for visitors. Not forgetting the 1000 goodie bags and 15 lucky draws.
NGOs like Red Cresent, and Kuching Autistic Association are there too.
All are welcome!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
What is a Disciple of Jesus?

On the past Sunday, Brother King Swee preached about discipleship, in particular the characteristics of a disciple. In the article below, John MacArthur explained that one becomes a believer on salvation and later becomes a disciple. This article gives a better undestanding of discipleship. Read on...
In the past hundred years or so, it has become popular to speak of discipleship as a higher level of Christian experience. In the new terminology, a person becomes a believer at salvation; he becomes a disciple later, when he moves past faith to obedience.
Such a view conveniently relegates the difficult demands of Jesus to a post-salvation experience. It maintains that when He challenged the multitudes to deny self, to take up a cross and follow Him (Mark 8:34); to forsake all (Luke 14:33); and to leave father and mother (Matthew 19:29), He was simply asking believers to step up to the second level and become disciples.
But how does that square with Jesus' own words, "I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners" (Matt 9:13)? The heart of His ministry was evangelism, and those difficult demands are evangelistic appeals.
Every believer is a disciple and vice versa. A careful reading of Acts shows that the word disciple has been a synonym for Christian from the earliest days of the church (cf. 6:1-2, 7; 11:26; 14:20, 22; 15:10).
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Noah's Ark Found?
A team of Chinese(hong Kong)and Turkish scientists claimed that they have found the Ark. But other scientists from elsewhere are not convince of the find.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday Service

Brother Ho King Swee preached on the above subject on Sunday.
What are the marks or characteristics of a disciple of Jesus?
1. Obedience to God’s Word – John 8:31
2. Fruitful relationship with Christ and His Word – John 15:7
3. Dead to self and live for Christ – Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23
4. Love people – John 13:34
5. Separate from the world – Luke 14:33
6. Love God above others – Matthew 22:37, Luke 14:25,26,27
We are to please God not man.
1. Please God not man – 1Thess 2:3-6
2. Love like mother – 1Thess 2:7-8
3. Model for others – 1Thess 2:9-10
4. How father deal with others – 1Thess 2:11-12
5. Essential for Word of God – 1Thes 2:13
How do we be Christ like?
An aspect is to be holy. 1Peter 1:15 “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;” Isaiah 6:3 “And they were calling to one another:"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory”. Revelation 15:4"Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed."
Saturday, May 1, 2010
My Birthday

1st May is my birthday. When my family wanted to give me a birthday cake, they asked what should be put on the cake, I said "snoopy" without hesitation (still young at heart!). This carton character is my favourite although I don't read the comic.
In Malaysia we are very much westernised and we do many things like westerners including birthdays. In the Chinese culture, we only celebrate the "biggy" that is 60th birthday and upwards. In China people celebrated with long noodles, wheat peaches, eggs, wine and give money in red package. All these signify longevity and good fortune.
Thank God for my birthday and in a way it is special not only that it is celebrated with my family, but that by God's grace my son is recovering from leptospinosis. Praise the Lord!
Rat's Urine

Glory to God that our 16 year old son is well! Last weekend starting Friday, he went to a school camp at St. Joseph’s school, Kuching. He hurt his knees and had open sores and when he came home on Sunday he failed very sick. We were very worried. Earlier doctors suspect dengue fever or chikungunya fever but was not. A liver specialist at KPJ hospital found that he had leptospinosis, or Weil’s disease caused by rat’s urine. This disease can be fatal. It is caused by bacteria in the rat’s urine. Symptoms are like headache, muscle pain, rashes, and jaundice. This disease can also cause kidney and liver damage.
Most probably our son got it in school because he had open sores since last Friday. The bacteria must have got into his body through these wounds. The specialist related that last year Green Road School, Kuching had 6 students contracted leptospinosis because of playing in the wet field during Physical Exercise class.
Things we cannot see can kill us! Be very careful when drinking sodas drinks from aluminium cans at coffee shops or elsewhere. Make sure you wash the can well before drinking. There are reported cases of people dying after drinking sodas contaminated with rat’s urine. (see picture, rats walked on soda cans and urinated ).
Our heart felt thanks to all our brothers and sisters who prayed for our son’s recovery.
Our God is a Great God!
He said “The Lord will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life, the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”
Psalm 121:7-8
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