Glory to God that our 16 year old son is well! Last weekend starting Friday, he went to a school camp at St. Joseph’s school, Kuching. He hurt his knees and had open sores and when he came home on Sunday he failed very sick. We were very worried. Earlier doctors suspect dengue fever or chikungunya fever but was not. A liver specialist at KPJ hospital found that he had leptospinosis, or Weil’s disease caused by rat’s urine. This disease can be fatal. It is caused by bacteria in the rat’s urine. Symptoms are like headache, muscle pain, rashes, and jaundice. This disease can also cause kidney and liver damage.
Most probably our son got it in school because he had open sores since last Friday. The bacteria must have got into his body through these wounds. The specialist related that last year Green Road School, Kuching had 6 students contracted leptospinosis because of playing in the wet field during Physical Exercise class.
Things we cannot see can kill us! Be very careful when drinking sodas drinks from aluminium cans at coffee shops or elsewhere. Make sure you wash the can well before drinking. There are reported cases of people dying after drinking sodas contaminated with rat’s urine. (see picture, rats walked on soda cans and urinated ).
Our heart felt thanks to all our brothers and sisters who prayed for our son’s recovery.
Our God is a Great God!
He said “The Lord will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life, the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”
Psalm 121:7-8
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