Recently Alpha Singapore published a book entitle "The God Who Changes Lives" featuring testimonies of peoples' lives changed by God. This is exciting as our Church is also conducting the Alpha course. Indeed, it is an effective evangelistic tool to win souls for Christ. We also have experienced many coming to Christ through this course. Many out there are hungry for God, just that many do not have the avenue to learn about Jesus and be touched by the Holy Spirit.
Alpha Singapore said “Alpha is exploding in Asia,” said Ms Alice Richardson. She updates the main Alpha office in London on developments in the region. “It seems to be God’s timing in Asia; what He’s doing in Asia is remarkable.” Last year, there were 2 million Alpha Courses worldwide, and 950,000 of those, almost half, took place in Asia.
Richardson, 31, went on to highlight how in the last four years, the number of Alpha Courses running in India has increased to nearly 10,000. That figure is a quarter of the total number of courses running worldwide, she pointed out.
“There’s (sic) a real need and a hunger out there for meaning and purpose in life,” said Richardson. “We’re inundated with requests to train people to run the Alpha Course, to do live talks.”
In Singapore, the Alpha Course is currently being run by a total of over 70 churches. Many churches which run The Alpha Course double in size as a result of the course. This is because the Alpha Course encourages commitment to a local church.
Similarly in Sarawak, Malaysia more and more churches are conducting the Alpha course. In Kuching, one of the pioneer church to conduct it is the Catholic Church. In April 2010, Nick Gumbel came to Kuching to conduct an international Alpha Conference successfully attended by about 2500 people from many parts of the world. This conference was organized by Ms Perpetua Pang of the local Catholic Church.
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