Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Service 3rd Oct 2010

This morning at the pre-service prayer meeting, Brother Malcolm shared about prayer and he refered to the Book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah prayed before he asked King Artaxerxes to allowed him to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall. He trusted God in prayers, and we should do the same before we do anything be it talking to our colleagues, friends, superiors of subordinate. It is important to pray.

This is the beginning of a new month of October, our Church will have our monthly prayer meeting. I pray many will come to pray, Amen.

Cost of Mission - Mark 6:1-29

This was the title of Pastor Richard's sermon. To spread the gospel cost money as well as lives. Even in Jesus' time, He and His disciples had to sacrifice tremendously to bring the good news to the people. Jesus was dispised in his own home town. A prophet was without honor in his own home (Mark 6:4). People doubted Jesus. Jesus also instructed his disciples not to bring any money when they went out on mission, they had to depend on the generosity of the people, so that was great sacrifice for them too.

Jesus spoke about John the Baptist,how he was persecuted and beheaded. He wanted to show His disciples that they will face persecution if they follow Him.

Pastor Richard also shown some modern day pastors, and lay people who lay down their lives for Christ. He described meeting a lady by the name of Majorie who spent 10 years of her life in the jungle of Borneo with the Penan in the 50s. That was great sacrifice, in those days one has to travelled by walking many hours to reach Penan village. By grace Pastor Richard who is also a missionary to the Penan met Majorie and was able to share with her news of the mission, and also Penans people whom they mutually know.

Mission is costly, yet we are instructed to be salt and light to the unreached.

The plight of Penans living in Sarawak, Borneo. Watch their story.

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