Friday, December 16, 2011

Internet Evangelism is Effective

Many things can be done on the internet and on-line businesses is a trend. It appears that the Church is not left out in using the internet as a media to spread the Gospel. Personally, I thought that people will just read and go away to do something else, but it seems that beside casual reading those committed Christians who came to know the Lord via the internet continue to become disciples and help to spread the Gospel further. Global Media Outreach found that more than half of those who cam to know Jesus spread the Good News further. This result in itself is a good news for Christianity. In fact the social net work like Face Book has helped millions to know Jesus. The FB page "Jesus Daily", has hits greater than some celebrities like Lady Gaga. The internet has helped the Gospel to be penetrated into many unreached societies. As long as there is an internet connection the Gospel can be shared with these peoples. Another positive point is that many users of the internet are young people and they are the ones coming to Christ. Praise God!

To read the full article click on the title of this post

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