Our speak was Pastor Philip Lyn from SIB Skyline, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. He came with his wife Pastor Nancy Lyn and daughter Sarah Lyn.
Pastor Philip was a inspiring speaker and his humility was apparent to us. He spoke on the subjects of "Prayers, Faith and evangelism". His teaching was indeed timely as our Church is embarking on a new phrase. Prayer is very important for Christians, and it was very appropriate to understand this subject as individual and Church. We were very encouraged by his teaching. Praise God that 32 members turned up for pre-service prayers on Saturday 18th Aug, 2012 at the camp! ( about 100 plus members attended this camp).
It was a very enjoyable event as many fun activities were conducted and participated by our members. One of our ethos is "Relationship", and from the participation we can firmly confirm our unity as a family is intact. Acting, dancing and fun games were carried out. These activities were carried out with little preparations, like on Saturday each team were given instruction about the acting events, and that very evening shows were put out by the 5 teams. The shows were very funny and entertaining. Pastor Philip commented that he had never seen such talented, crazy and funny Church congregation before! We took that comment as a compliment. Many hidden talents were discovered during the camp. Sister Nancy Wong, awarded best actress, acted as the lion in the theme song of "Lion King". The crowd went wild watching her funny antics. Our best actor Dr. Chen was funny as the main character in the theme song "We are family". There were other entertaining acts which were very funny and entertaining. Several unplanned hiccups like Sister Irene's wardrobe malfunction while on stage and Bro. Chiew needing his reading glass when he was about to read out the nominations of an award.
We really had a great time of fun as well as bounding as a family during the camp. The fun aside, we also learned valuable lessons about prayers, faith and evangelism from Pastor Philip Lyn.
Our Church has indeed been encouraged by the dual vocational Pastor Dr.Philip Lyn, his wife Nancy and daughter Sarah. Pastor Philip Lyn is in full time ministry as well as in full time work as a doctor. It is amazing how he can carry out these two jobs excellently. There is only one answer, "Because he has God and with God nothing is impossible.
Praise God for an amazing Church Camp! Hallelujah! All glory to God!
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