Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Senior Alpha - Day Away

Last Saturday 25th Aug 2012 we had our Holy Spirit Day Away at our Church.  Usually the team goes to another location on Saturday afternoon and return on Sunday after lunch.  However, for our case due to logistic consideration and the age of our participants our team decided to do the "Day Away" at our Church.

It was indeed memorable for all of us, participants and Alpha team because that Saturday was also known as "Holy Spirit" weekend as well as the 7th Week of Senior Alpha.  It was a journey that we all cherish.  The experience was sweeter when two of the participants a husband and wife team accepted Jesus as their personal Savior!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  Our Church is encouraged by the working of the Holy Spirit on this couple and their coming to Christ.  Heaven also rejoices!

On the following Sunday, Bro. Neslon and Sis.Hwei Choo came to our Church service.  Praise God!  All Glory to Him!

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