Today we have Bro. John Carter preaching in our church. For the last two weeks he has been here preaching on the book of Ephesians over at Agape Baptist Church. Today he preached on Matthew chapter 3, 4, and 5, He concentrate in particular on the Beatitudes. He explained why God said "blessed are the poor in spirit...meek etc. He said God made these qualities come out from our inside, we cannot do any thing. Basically we have to humble ourselves.
Marriage Course
Two marriage courses will be running at the end of February. Bro, Chew, Sister Lena, Bro, Tung Hui, Sister May Sum shared their experiences and all attested to the benefits of the marriage course regardless of whether you have been married one year or 50 years.
Alpha Classic
Our church is also starting Alpha Classic on 4th March 2011, and Bro Han Wei promoted it by distributing the yellow stars for our members to invite their friends.