Friday, January 28, 2011

What Good Is God?

This is the title of the book written by best selling author Philip Yancey. This may be a question that most Christians asked one way or another in our lives. When things are going well for us we do not think very much about God, but when things are not going our ways, we ask question like "What is God good for?". Philip Yancey, a journalist turned author wrote this book like an investigator and not an authority although he has some theological training. He asked questions like many of us would ask.

From his research and visits to people around the world, he found that faith in God does help people to overcome various trials and tribulations. Some of us may have experienced this for ourselves.

"We live by faith, not by sight".
2 Corinthians 5:7

Note : to read more click on the title of this post.

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