The subject of prayer has come to me often this past week or so. In our church meetings, we prayed and we shared about the importance of prayers. As our church is embarking on the second session of Alpha Classic we prayed and requested our church to pray corporately for those participants who will be coming as well as praying for the new committee members. Last weekend I was helping Alpha Malaysia to train leaders here in Kuching, we talked about the importance of prayers in the Alpha ministry because it is the Holy Spirit who will work in the participants.
Yes, prayers are very important and I notice one important pattern too,that we must pray diligently. God does no reward casual acquaintances, but those He has a relationship with.
Hebrews 11:6 (Amplified Bible)
6 But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].
We have to earnestly and diligently seek God before He can reward us. Although, I usually participate in our church prayer meetings, my prayer life still has room for improvement.
This is what Martin Luther, Father of Reformation said about prayer:
"To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing".
This statement may not state directly the frequency of prayers, but try not breathing for a few minutes! You get the picture.
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