He said in disciplining a nation, the individual has to be disciplined first. Each has to be a disciple before he or she can impact the nation. From the many stories of Jesus' teaching, one can see that he taught alot and many a times He was teaching the disciples in particular. Pastor Peter referred to Matthew Ch.13 The Parable of the sower. From this passage you can see that the general public did not understand what Jesus taught. According to Pastor Peter, Jesus was in fact teaching His disciples. But why do it in public and not privately? Pastor Peter said Jesus wanted to show them the actual results. He said the general public did not have the heart for God like the seeds that fail on shallow soil. But the disciples understood the secrets of God that was why they could understand His parables.
God's Guidance
Another subject Pastor Peter taught was how do we obtain the guidance from God? He illustrated his story with a story of how in the old days sailors were guided by lights. On the mountain there was a light, another one in the harbour and another on a buoy. Once these 3 lights lined up, the sailor knew how to turn his ship into harbour. He said God guide us in the same way. Light 1 is the Bible, Light 2 is God's voice, Light 3 is circumstance and counsel of elders. First we must read the Bible to see what it says about our situation, second we pray and seek God's voice to tell us, third we consult our elders, friends and matured Christians regarding our circumstances. Once all three agreed, you can be sure that is what God said.
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