Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Go To Church When You Can Watch Online?

Now a days more and more churches are streaming their sermons on-line.  People said than there is no point going to church.  Like many people who disagree with such statement, no doubt you can hear and even study the sermon on-line, but you can't be with fellow Christians in your congregation.  We are a community of believers and associating with each other is important.  You cannot do this while listening and watching on-line at home.  Christianity is about relationship, like how Jesus taught us to be kind and serve others.  Granted you can serve without being presence, but that is very limiting.  We are social being, thus we need to relate to someone.

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, argued that allowing technology to serve as a substitute for participation in a local church is "dangerous."
"The fellowship of the saints is a vital means of grace for the disciple of Christ," he maintained in a recent commentary. "Believers need the accountability found only within the local church ... We need to confess our sins and declare forgiveness by the blood of Christ together. We need to be deployed for service in Christ's name together."

No doubt on-line church service is a great way to reach people who are unreached by conventional methods.  Yet it is vital for believers to come to together to build each other up.

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