Recently I read a blog post on Dr.Alex Tang's blog that people are starting to sell their collection of books because they have so many that there are not enough places to store them. Beside, now you can order e-books, that just need computer space. I believe many of us may not face problem of storing books, partly because usually we do not have so many. For me I like physical books, from the looks and touch of these books sometimes made me recall past events. Kind of sentiment if you will. In July Pastor Andrew and Pastor John from the UK was at our Church to preach on Book of Romans, and Pastor Andrew shared with us several books that will help us understand better, and he realized that we cannot get all the books in Malaysia. So he recommended an on-line bookstore from UK that sends the books you ordered free of postage around the world! It sounded too good to be true.( By the way, the website is )As the Alpha course is underway in our Church, one of the recommended reading is G.K Chesterton's "Orthodoxy" which I could not find in Kuching. I browsed through the on line book site and found this book, it cost USD7, so not too expensive, I ordered it and paid by credit card. Within minutes, the credit card company called me to confirm my purchase, that was really fast! It took just about two weeks for the book to arrive at my house! Sure enough no postage! If you want any book, if the price is right, order it! Yea, no I am not a sales person of the bookstore, just sharing with you.
Note: Above picture of the book, and a part of the envelop.
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