Glory to God, for the latest development regarding the Bahasa Bibles ( Malay Bibles ) issue! Yesterday, Datuk Idris Jala, a Christian, Minister in the Prime Minister's department announced a 10-point solutions to the Bible issue. The gist is that the Bibles can be imported in all languages including Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia, they can be printed in Malaysia, no restrictions at all for Bibles in Sarawak and Sabah in view of the large Christians population, in Peninsula, the Bibles will bear words "Christian Publication", and also a Cross,etc. ( You can read the details by clicking on the title of this post).
As Christians we can witness the power of prayers by all Christians in Malaysia. Christians have been praying fervently over these issues as well as the political situations in Malaysia for sometime now. However, we never witness this kind of unity amongst the Christians. On 24th March, the Sarawak Ministers Fellowship organized a Prayer Rally in Kuching attended by nearly 3000 Christians from all walks of life, races, and denominations. Hallelujah! Praise God!
Some say that the government reacted so quickly regarding the Bible issues is because of the coming Sarawak state election. Whatever it is, we know God has a hand in this outcome and even the two events ( Bible issues and state election) happening close to each other.
We thank God for all His help and His intervention in these events, and we continue to pray for Him to strengthen all Christians to uphold His Words and be obedient to His commands.
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