On 11th and 12th Aug, 2011 Dr.Paul & Carol Alexander from Mattersey Hall, a Bible school in UK were here to speak about missional church. This is not a new way of doing church but a refreshing way of redefining how we should share the Gospel to the larger community. Both Paul and Carol had vase experiences in this area and they were passionate in their work. The audience benefited from their sharing. Their sharing of the missional concept with stories were very interesting and relevant to the understanding of missional church.
What is missional church? A missional church seeks to reveal God in every way possible. It is committed to the community and it is Biblical. It is a God "reflector" to use Dr.Paul Alexander's term. Indeed, this term is most appropriate because as a Christian, we are a reflection of God. We let others see us as a God reflector.
Missional characteristics:
1. More than a Christian, it is being Christ-like. Committed to Jesus 24/7. Not to be worldly but made choices that reflect Jesus.
2. Not just good but you are holy. If you are a missional person your life have been changed. Jesus makes a difference in our lives. People are aware that we are Christians.
3. Not being attractional, but incarnational. Not a church that just attract people to church, but a church that is transformational. People reveal Jesus.
4. Not an individual, but a community. The missional church is a community and does not operate in a individualistic way. It is not our church that is important, the community is top priority too.
5. Not being hierarchical but apostolic. Not operating like a hierarchy like top down management structure, but apostolic like what the Apostle did in the Bible. There was no formal management structure like we know today.
6. Not building a church, but a kingdom. Man focus on building buildings like church, but we are to build the kingdom of God.
The above are just some teaching from Dr.Paul & Dr.Carol. There much more details, if you have the chance attend their seminars.
Over the past two years Pastor Ben Wong from Shepherd Community Church had been coaching our church and it is very much what he is teaching. He may not use the term missional, but his church and work is missional. He is teaching us to go out to the community to "do church", and not to confine ourselves within the four walls of our church.
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