I was reading a fellow blogger Szezeng.blogspot.com where he wrote about the importance of a preacher's prayer life. Personally, I think prayer is not only important for preachers but for all Christians. It is through prayers that we communicate with God. Not that He needs to communicate with us, but we mortals need Him, thus we need to communicate with Him. He already knows everything, even before we pray to Him, yet why do we need to pray you may ask. By praying each Christian is having a relationship with Him. He loves us and He wants us to communicate with Him at all times. In the Bible we are instructed to pray unceasingly. For a Christian prayer is like blood in our bodies. Can you imagine if there is no blood in your body? Well,prayer is like that. You may ask, "How am I to pray unceasingly when I have to work and have other responsibilities?". We still can pray to God unceasingly by tuning our thoughts towards Him, praise Him, thank you, ask(pray) to Him in whatever you may be doing at that time. If you ran out of things to pray you can still pray the Jesus Prayer like this, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God,have mercy on me, a sinner".
To read Szezeng blog click on the title of this post.
He uploaded an interesting video watch it
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