Last night in our Life Group(cell) we studied 1 John Ch. 1 especially on the theme of "fellowship". Many of us think of fellowship as a gathering of Christians for some conversations and to part take some foods. But is this type of gathering a fellowship? If we study the meaning of fellowship more deeply we will find it is more than gathering to talk and eat.
1 John 1:3
"what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ."
Christians fellowship is given to us by the grace of God. Those who believe in the Gospel are united in the Spirit through Christ to the Father and that unity is the basis of our fellowship. We are united to one another by common beliefs, purposes and goals. God unites us.
Christians fellowship is also building each other up in love. We are not to judge others, but as fellow Christians we are to encourage each other in our faith and also in our walk with God. We are bound to stumble at times, and in the fellowship we can support each other in order to come back to God. It is like "iron sharping iron" ( Proverb 27:17) here we "sharpen" each others.
Basically we are doing life together as Christians.
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