This Sunday our Church had the honor of hosting Bro John Carter, Elder Holborn Church, Leeds, United Kingdom. He is no stranger to us as he has been here to preach and share for about three years now. Prior to this Sunday message he had two other sessions on Saturday afternoon and evening. These sessions were most enjoyable. His teaching is practical and he shared his personal experiences of more than 50 years as a Christian.
This morning sharing was entitled "People who walk in God's way" based on the Book of Genesis. He said Abraham is a model of us today. He was obedient to God and trusted God entirely. It was no joke hearing from God for the first time and being led to leave his home for an unknown place. Yet Abraham obeyed. Today we live in a dark world which is modeled along Sodom and Gomorrah. Sins are everywhere. Bro John expressed his shock that the British government is about to legalize gay marriage. Utter nonsense he said, such union cannot produce any children. Abraham obeyed God and through him all nations were blessed. Similarly, we the people of God will bless others. Abraham carried out God's mission to spread his people to all nations, similarly we are to spread the Gospel to all nations.
The warning to us is to turn back to God. We are in this world and not of this world.
Free Lunch
Yes, our congregation had a free lunch at noon! Thanks to some brothers and Sisters who took the initiative to prepare lunch for our members. Malaysians like their foods. All in all about 300 members were served. Thank you Lord for your provision!
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