Last night at our Cell meeting we were discussing about family conflicts, and the subject of love was also deliberated. Brother Ching Nam shared on 1 Cor 13:4-7 “Love is patient. Love is kind…. He shared that if we replace the word “Love” with “Jesus”, we can see a different and profound meaning of this passage. Personally I felt that it really helped me to understand the passage well, and to see the sacrifice of Jesus in loving us. By grace of God, this morning as I read Cor Ch 13:4-7 as well as the devotion on this chapter, it says the same thing.
Read the extract below:
“Or take this chapter (13) a step further: Add the phrase “with me” or “to me”. For instance, instead of praying, “Love is patient,” pray “God (Jesus) is patient with me.” Do you sometime come to prayer feeling dull and cold inside, fearful and apprehensive: God is patient with you. He is not irritated that you are dull and lifeless. Let him love you for a while. Don’t try to speak until you’ve let his love warm your heart and banish your fear. God is patient with you. He is not easily angered. He keeps no record of wrongs.”
This is the kind of love that we should give to our love ones. To add on what Brother Ching Nam said, just imagine “What would Jesus do”(WWJD) if He is in your position? Profound right?
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor 13:13
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