Praise God for the prayer meeting organised by Sister Sarah this morning! Thank you Sister Sarah for your effort.
The turn out was very good I would say. About 30 members both adults, youth and children attended. This was very encouraging because it showed that members have the heart for FBC, and they want to rebuild the Church to achieve greater heights. Praise God for all presence as well for our Church!
Sister Sarah prayed and share on Book of Nehemiah Ch 1:5-6 asking God to hear our prayers. She also shared on Ch4:17 where the workers building the wall carried materials on one nand and on the other weapons. Similar we must work for our Church, and be ready with "weapons" on the other hand to be ready to defeat our enemies. Dr.Howe Tung continued to share about the "enemy" that we are facing. He said the enemies are within ourselves, and when we defeat the enemies within we can be victorious. He refered to Malachi 4:1-5. The One who is within us is greater than the one in the world.
We all prayed for healing for all members of our Church including those who chose not to come to Church. We also prayed for pastor. All in all we had a wonderful time glorifying God,and we also sang unto His Name. Surprisingly the one hour of prayer just slipped by. Praise God!
Dear Brothers and Sisters, you are encouraged to come to the next prayer meeting this coming Sunday, at the outer room of our Church.
I am encouraged by comments as follows:
"Dear Alwin,
Thanks so much for the email.
I really believe that the Hand of God is with us as we rebuild FBC
together as a family of God's people. Every member is important in this
Thanks again to Sarah for your effort.
TH Tiong"
"Thanks, Alwin, for your encouragement.
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