In the midst of celebrating Christmas, even we Christians get caught up with the celebration like the secular world, and tend to lose sight of Jesus. But Christmas is all about Jesus, afterall it is His Birthday! Read this story that reminds us all.
"Thank You Lord Jesus for coming into this world to die for us".
"For many ... we don't have time for the baby Jesus. We're too busy 'celebrating Christmas,'" Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in southern California, said in a sermon Sunday.
In the midst of finding good deals at retail stores, holiday parties, and other activities that come with the Christmas season, it's easy to lose sight of God and turn Christmas into "Seasons Greetings," Laurie noted.
While people outside the church may be "hijacking" Christmas and turning it into "Winter Solstice" or simply a holiday, believers in the pews are also forgetting what Christmas is all about.
"You can be in the church, attending every Sunday and still lose sight of Jesus," Laurie pointed out.
"We get so busy ... with spiritual things. We can be so busy working for God, we miss God."
At the same time, the first things believers seem to cut out from their daily activities when pressed for time is studying the Word of God, praying, or even church, Laurie noted.
"Being a Christian is not rocket science," the evangelist said. "There are certain disciplines we need to have to grow spiritually" (i.e. regular Bible study and prayer).
"You don't get beyond that," he stressed.
Though Christians and others may have lost Jesus, Laurie proclaimed the good news that "God never loses sight of us."
"The message of Christmas is God is with us," he said. "You're the one who was lost, not God. And Jesus said he has come to seek and save that which is lost.
"Let's not lose Jesus at Christmas."
Source: christianpost.com
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