We face challenges and changes in Church as well as in our lives. It is indeed timely that FBC is starting a Night Watch service on 31st Dec, 2009. Here we will be praying corporately as a Church.
However, it is also necessary for us to pray individually. Many great Christians have testified to the effectiveness of prayers over the centuries. Even modern writers like Philip Yancey in his book “Prayer Does It Make Any Difference?” concluded that prayers indeed change things.
We all know the importance of prayer, yet many struggle with it because of competing circumstances. Yet as a Christian one has to take a stand and be disciplined to pray for oneself, others and our Church. Prayer is like blood flowing in our bodies, how can we survive if there is no blood in our bodies? The next question is how should we pray? (This is not to be little our seasoned Christians but to share some ideas). Of course there are several methods of prayers, and I am sharing a particular method. You may find it useful.
It is prayer the “write way”, that is you write down your prayers. As you know prayer is a two-way communication with God, and writing them down give you an opportunity to record what you hear from God. Example you have a specific prayer request, so you prayed and asked God for a favour, now God may not respond right a way, but in the time he dims fit. Say after several days He answered your request, you can go back to your journal and record His answer to your request. As you travel this life journey with God, you can also refer back to your journal to encourage yourself because you will find that God answered many of your prayers, and if not you will see what lessons He is teaching you.
Prayer by writing down is a method I learnt from author Becky Tirabassi.
There are four sections, P.A.R.T
P – Praise, you praise God for who He is. You glorify His Name,
His Being, His Holiness. In any other ways, you may praise Him.
A – Admission, is also confession of our sins, repent from our sins. We admit and
tell Him our msitakes and sins.
R – Requests, our prayer requests to God, and what favours we want from Him.
T – Thanks, here we thank God for what He has done in our lives, thank Him
for answering our prayers. Also be thankful that Jesus redeemed us from
darkness and save our lives.
“I pray that you find this useful and that if you lack a method let this one help you to pray effectively, Amen”.
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