Brother Soon King shared with the Church the up coming Alpha Conference organised by Trinity Methodist Church on April 16 & 17, 2010. He went through the out line of the conference to provide more information to our members. All in leadership like elders, ministry heads, Cell leaders and assistant Cell leaders are encouraged to join. All others members are also encouraged to join because this is a training program for all of us.
The D-Factors
This is the title of Pastor Richard sermon this morning. He referred to Philippians 3:12-16. He said that this famous passage is a favourite of pastors to preach during the end of the year or the beginning of the year. As this is the last Sunday of 2009, it is appropriate for him to share on this passage.
3;1 – 11 Paul spoke about the past
3:12 – 16 Paul spoke about the present/now
3:17 – 21 Paul spoke about the future
At present we are all pilgrims, on a journey. We are also disciples of Jesus Christ. As disciples we are learners. We are incomplete.
Year 2009 drawing to an end, but it is not our end. Our focus and destiny is not on 2009. Whether the year is bad or good, let us turn things from better to best. Saul met Jesus on Damascus road, his destiny was planned by God, that he will suffer for Christ sake.
The story of the rich young ruler, Mark 10:17. He was to sell all his possessions if he wanted to follow Jesus. About the story of Mary and Martha, only one thing is needed, that is to focus on Jesus. Mary found one thing, that is devotion to Jesus. We tend to get distracted by many things and we lack devotion to Jesus.
Pastor Richard shared that when he first came back recently he saw the vision and mission of FBC and he likes it because these give the Church focus and direction where to go. Keep us focus on our goals, like single mindedness of an athlete. Focus and move forward.
The story about Peter’s walk on water, and when he was discouraged he stumbled and fail into the water. We must have determination to go forward to carry out the tasks.
Pastor Richard shared that he is glad that FBC is getting on the basic, that is obeying the Words, put words into actions. Be discipline in our prayer life, otherwise we will decay.
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