This was the title of Pastor Richard's preaching this morning based on Mark 10:32 to 52. Jesus told His disciples three times that he was going to die. Yet it was amazing that John and James asked saying "we want you to do for us whatever we ask" and also asked to be seated one of His right and one on His left. Pastor said it was like your dying father giving you advice and you asked that you be the new CEO of his company or asking him to will all his properties to you. Jesus was going to die and yet John and James was jolting for position. The other disciples were angry with John and James.
Who wants to be great must be a servant. Beware of bad yeast that can grow in us to destroy. The Son of Man came to serve and not be served. In fact, the whole life of Jesus was to serve others and actually He died for all of us.
Pastor compared the difference of a "servant" and a "bond servant". In general a servant serve with conditions, sometime with a contract, but a bond servant served without condition, and usually because of his/her love for the master will serve him for life. Like Paul he said he was a bond servant of Jesus Christ his Master.
We are saved to serve and not be served.
How to serve? Full fill the great commission Matthew 28:19-20
Watch this video about the servant way of Jesus.
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