Alpha Workplace is an Alpha course specially designed to evangelize to people in the working world.
KTS Group, a local company with businesses throughout Malaysia launched their very first Alpha Workplace course in their corporate HQ in Kuching during lunch from 12noon to 1 pm yesterday.
This Alpha Workplace introduction was attended by about 150 members of KTS Group located at their HQ at Crown Plaza, Kuching. Initially only 131 registered to attend but eventually about 150 staffs attended. It was very encouraging. Sister Cynthia, the Coordinator from Alpha Malaysia was there to guide and encourage everyone. She commented that it was one of the largest workplace turnout she has experienced.
From KTS Group, Bro. William and Bro.Yap were leading this Alpha Workplace assisted by around 15 Helpers. Other local churches like Trinity Methodist, Faith Methodist and First Baptist Church also sent their members to help out as Hosts of the small groups.
Thanks to Sister Mee Yen from First Baptist who initiated this Alpha Workplace at KTS Group through her networking with the people at this company.
This large turn out is very encouraging to all of us who are involved in Alpha Course. According to Bro. William eventually may be about 80 staffs will stay for the whole course. Nevertheless, we pray that many will decide to stay and complete this course.
Sister Cynthia from Alpha Malaysia was there to guide and encourage the leaders at KTS to ensure smooth implementation of Alpha Course in their company. At the end of the one hour session, Sister Cynthia gave a debrief to the Hosts, and Helpers. Rev. Lau, from Trinity Methodist Church closed in prayer.
We give glory to our Lord for this opportunity to share the good news with non believing staff of KTS Group. We uphold them in prayers and pray that the Holy Spirit will move mightily among them to bring them to Christ.
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