Christian decline in the UK has stalled according to a research group called Christian Research in Britain.
Church of England attendance since 2001 is about 1.2 million, Catholic Church attendance since 2005 steadied at 900,000 and Baptist Union showed slight increase to 154,000.
The slight improvement seem to attributed to non traditional churches like cafechurch, coffeehouse network, Fresh Expression church. Alpha course started by Anglican Church Brampton has attracted about 1.5 million in the U.K.
Overall, this is good news for Britain in terms of people coming to the Christian faith.
In Malaysia, we are facing an up hill battle to improve the numbers of believers because of efforts by other religions encroaching on Christian traditional strong grounds like East Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah.( Located on the island of Borneo) According to available information about 20% of the population of Sabah is Christian, declined from around 40%, whereas Sarawak is holding at 40% of the population. There are certainly plenty of work for all Christians in Malaysia to save lost souls. Of late many Christian organizations, as well as churches are putting in efforts to arrest the decline of Christians in this country. Many churches are praying and we appeal to other Christians around the world to pray for us.
We are called to make disciples of nations. In a small way a number of Malaysian churches are embarking on Alpha course to win souls for Christ. We believe nothing is impossible for our God. Have faith and press in!
To read the full article about the UK Christian situation please click on the title of this post.