Sister Cynthia Wong from Alpha Malaysia was here in Kuching to train Agape Baptist Church members so that they can conduct Alpha Classic themselves. The course was conducted last Friday evening, and Saturday. About 12 of their church members attended. In fact many years ago they had tried conducting Alpha. Now they want to learn the current methods use by Alpha Malaysia. Four brothers from FBC were there to help with the training. Our people from FBC will be available to help Agape Baptist to start their Alpha Classic course.
Today, Sunday Sister Cynthia was at Goodnews Fellowship to share about Work place Alpha. About 15 people attended. Six of us were from FBC. Basically she shared about her experiences in conducting work place Alpha which is basically the same as Classic Alpha, just that the talks on video are shorter to cater for the needs of people in the work place. Several members who attended this session also shared about their experiences in spreading the good news in their places of work. A lot of work has already in progress, and Alpha is a tool that can be used if necessary.
Those sttended showed their appreciation for Sister Cynthia's heart in this work, and they also appreciate Alpha Malaysia in helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. One participant noted that now with Alpha being conducted in various churches, more and more of our fellow Christians are meeting up to work together for a common cause. Regardless of denominations, we are here for a common goal - to bring the lost souls to Christ. Praise God ! Amen.
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