Our very own son of Sarawak now a minister in the Prime Minister's office! Hep Hep Huray! And he is a Christian! Praise the Lord! Let us pray for him to do great things for our nation, now that he is in the position. Thank God for Datuk Idris Jala.
Some of you may know that he is the brother in law of a member of our Church. I remember in around 2005 or 2006 his sister and brother in law brought him to attend our Church service. Immediately after that he was appointed as the CEO of MAS. Praise God for this brother!
"Thank you Oh Lord for appointing a capable Christian to the helm of our government, may you glory be declared in this nation, may your work be done and that generations will come to you. Thank you Lord and I pray all these in Jesus Most Precious Name Amen".
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