Read a helpful article about resisting workplace temptations written by a Singaporean psychologist, Dr.Loke founder of Mount Olive Church of God, Singapore. All over the world extramarital affairs abound, and the divorce rate its at its height. Dr.Loke said in dealing with temptations, "prevention is better than cure". Dr.Loke counselled self-control and making time for Bible reading, prayer and relation with the spouse. If we don not read the Bible and pray our relationship with God will also fail.
Dr;Loke cited an example of how people failed into extramarital affairs with their colleagues. He said those who helped the opposite sex who were going through marital difficulties, and out of compassion they failed into extramarital affairs with colleagues they are helping. I believe that if we want to help anyone of the opposite sex, it is advisable to do it as a couple. A married couple can stand firm and unlikely to be involved emotionally when helping this individual.
Living a life of gratitude is also a very good way to keep our marriages alive. Therefore, one would not likely be involved in any extramarital affair.
We cannot take things for granted, always guard against things that may destroy us if we are not careful.
One important point is to build up our personal relationship with Jesus by daily reading of the Bible, study His Words, and pray everyday too.
May God bless you and your family.
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